Have you ever had the picture of being immersed in a library with thousands of lifestyle magazines?
It will be nothing if not a wonderful day.
For today neither business nor politics news can bother you.
Only lifestyle magazines can be my spoke persons.
All magazines in the library are collected from various countries all over the world.
Some are in French, some are in Japanese, and some are in English.
Foreign languages are sort of magic to lighten our new world, if barriers.
Spending a joyful afternoon, you can enjoy reading up to 20 thousand magazines while listening to several albums which might distract you from reading for a while.
This beautiful library is in Taipei.
Some are here to read, some are here to work like me, who brings my laptop to work here.
Design magazines wake up my creativity, voyage stories increase the level of innovation in me, and gourmet photos raise my appetite.
Remarkable articles and photos animate my developing proposal.
Who owns and manages the boven library?
Fortunately not our government, bureaucracy has no chance to choke the great place.
However, we always worry if its business will survive if without the financial support of the government.
It costs USD$10 for a one-day entry ticket, you can get the entry ticket of a whole year for just USD$40.
Some cultural events such as wine tastings, film discussions or new book signing sometimes would be held here.
How about reserving your afternoon to enjoy the life as lifestyle magazines describe.
boven library is the perfect place to go.
boven Library
Tel:02 2778 7526
Add:B1F., No. 18, Aly. 5, Ln. 107, Sec. 1, Fuxing S. Rd., Da’an Dist., Taipei City 106, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Opening hours:10:00–21:00
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